Strategic Plan

SFCWA Mission and Implementing Strategies

Amended December 2016



Develop and support programs to produce robust science and habitat restoration projects that improve the Bay-Delta ecosystem, and assist SFCWA member agencies in assuring an adequate, reliable and high quality water supply.

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives

As directed by the SFCWA Board of Directors, SFCWA will pursue the following 2016-2017 objectives in support of its mission and consistent with the implementing strategies following below:




  1. Complete construction of the Tule Red project 2017-2019 and comply with permits and terms.
  2. Assist the Department of Fish and Wildlife in developing and implementing a comprehensive habitat restoration monitoring plan and continue engagement in CDFW with implementation of the Framework and EcoRestore.
  3. Evaluate SFCWA role in developing future habitat projects following results of DWR Habitat RFP by June 2017.
  4. Assist member agencies to promote DWR and USBR establishing a cost share funding agreement for habitat restoration and other BiOp requirements allowing for disbursements/reimbursements in FY-18.




  1. Update the SFCWA Research Plan with an internal draft by June 2017 to be finalized by September 2017 that will inform the development of FY ’19 Strategic Planning and budget development.
  2. Collaborate with groups such as IEP’s Tidal Wetland Monitoring Workgroup and the EcoRestore Interagency Adaptive Management Integration Team (IAMIT) program on the development of a coordinated monitoring and adaptive management program for assessing restoration projects and their contribution to the Delta Ecosystem.
  3. Maximize our understanding of food web dynamics in the Cache Slough Complex by providing a forum for discussion of key findings, lessons learned, and next steps for specific, site-focused food web research for FY ‘18.  Cache Collaborative data will be visualized online by June 2017.
  4. Develop a conceptual framework for hypothesis testing and food web research for the Tule Red restoration area by September 2017. This conceptual framework will be used to identify specific studies and funding for these studies in planning for FY ’19.
  5. Develop a project plan that engages other entities and identifies critical milestones leading to additional resources dedicated to address contaminant effects by June 2017.  This will be the next step in working with the Delta science community to address the multiple stressors acting on the ecosystem.
  6. Continue collaborative efforts with the Delta science entities to support and help implement recommendations identified in reports such as the Delta Smelt Resiliency Strategy, State of the Bay-Delta Science Report, Salmon/Steelhead/Sturgeon Assessment of Indicators by Life stages, or priority technical questions identified by the Collaborative Science and Adaptive Management Program.
  7. Develop and implement a process that ensures cross-communication and coordination among member agencies and SFCWA staff to collectively and effectively engage in external science efforts by January 2017. Periodic updates will be made to inform the SFCWA Board on progress developing the Collective. The Collective will provide resource sharing that facilitates meeting coverage and the ability to review and provide comments on relevant Delta Science documents being produced in 2017 such as the Delta Science Action Agenda, Update to the State of Bay-Delta Science, Water Board nutrient policy documents, and the Delta Independent Science Board’s Water Quality Programs Review.

Implementation Strategies

The strategic objectives shall be pursued consistent with the following implementation strategies and guidance:



  1. Continue engagement in CA EcoRestore to:
    • Assure cost-effective site selection and development of habitat restoration projects
    • Development of an effective and practical adaptive management strategy,
    • Selection and implementation of projects to mitigate adverse impacts to salinity management in the Delta and Project water supply, and
    • Promote costs sharing of restoration project funding and other BiOp actions between the state and federal government
  2. Engage and assist in implementation of the CDFW Delta Conservation Framework.


  1. Coordinate research resulting in published findings on the Delta ecosystem and its stressors toward developing management actions that further California’s co-equal goals of a restored Delta ecosystem and water supply reliability.
  2. Improve monitoring, assessment, and reporting; as well as facilitate the dissemination and understanding of Science findings.
  3. Participate in collaborative research that supports the SFCWA research plan and promote multi-disciplinary and co-incident studies to leverage resources.
  4. Partner with local, state, and federal agencies, as well as academia, including but not limited to helping implement the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Science Plan and Action Agenda. 
  5. Participate in and support science forums and work efforts to increase mutual collaboration and understanding of landscape restoration and multiple stressor effects on the Delta ecosystem.

(note: annual review of objectives annually on or about August Board meeting)
